I’ll guide you through the entire process

i’m the person behind the camera

This photo is of me dress up if I was going to concert and I look so cool with my outfit on. I love doing others people photos and editing them.Because makes me feel happy inside when people know they love it and they can dream big about me taking there photos. Of course I enjoy seeing people happy faces when they love my photos and styles

Resources & Guides


Do I accept cost and tax

No because I do it for free I don't do cost or tax anything like that

Can I printed out photo and mail it

Yes I can it depends when you want it and who I am sending it to and where

Can I travel to places

Yes but I wouldn't able to leave the state that I am at and I can't leave country and it have be near by.

Can I do animals,people,and Object Photos

Yes I can it depends on what it is

Do I take long photo editing

Yes But is worth it at the end where photos comes out the way you want it colors or black and white

Do I do effects on my photos

Yes because stands out more and the photos turned out really cool